Syllabus: Cultural Geography 文化地理學
CUS 325C Seminar in Current Cultural Issues: Cultural Geography
Instructor: IP Iam Chong (
Tue 11:30-13:00
Thu 13:30-15:00
1. Take-home examination (30%)
2. Online writing (35%)
-Writings (20%): Each student is required to contribute articles (two before the end of March and two before the end of April; about 1,000 words each) to the online magazine (
-Please learn how to use blog and upload the articles (and photos, if necessary) by yourselves.
-Among the four articles, two are written assignments, one is news reporting on a particular issue or event and one may be a commentary (More guidlines will be provided).You are strongly encouraged to submit more than four articles.
-Late submission is not allowed. Each article carries 5% of total assessment.
-Participation in online discussion (15%): You are required to respond to others' articles and comments. You will lose 15% of the total assessment if you don’t make any comment at all.
3. Presentatioin and discussion (35%)
Jan 25
Jan 27
I. Theoretical orientations (lecture)
Feb 1
Presentation IA (Introduction)
*陳冠中2004<香港作為方法>及<香港對照記--台北這個城市的好> 《文化起義》香港:CUP
Jackson, Peter. 1989. "Problems and alternatives." Maps of Meaning. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 25-46.
Feb 3
Presentation IB (Redefining "space")
Foucault, Michel. 1980(1976) "Questions on geography." Power/ Knowledge: Selected interviews & other writings 1972-1977. Edited by Colin Gordon. NY: Pantheon.
*Foucault, Michel 1994(1982). "Space, Knowledge and Power." In Power: Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984. Edited by James D. Faubion. NY: The New Press.
Feb 15
II. Experience, part I (lecture)
Feb 17
Experiment in campus and discussion
Feb 22
Presentation IIA (Home)
Korosec-Serfaty, Perla and Dominique Bolitt. 1986. "Dwelling and the experience of burglary." Journal of Environmental Psychology. 6, 329-344.
*畢恒達2004<先生不在家,我才有在家的感覺>、<設計分性別?>《空間就是性別》台北:心靈工坊,84-119; 180-214。
Mar 1
Presentation IIB (Senses of place)
*Tuan, Yi-Fu. 1977. "Space, place and the Child." Space and Place: The Perspectives of Experience. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 19-33.
Lynch, Kevin. 1991(1976). Managing the sense of a region. Cambridge: The MIT Press, p. 1-38.
Mar 3
Presentation IIC (Experience in public and commercial space)
Jackson, Peter. 1998. "Domesticating the street: the contested spaces of the high street and the mall." Images of the street: planning, identity and control in public space. London and New York: Routledge.
*Lui, Tai-lok. 2001. “The Malling of
Mar 8
II. Experience, part II (lecture)
Supplementary readings
葉蔭聰<虎地:凌空拔起的慾望>2004.11.19 In-media
(同學習作)黃拱章, 嚴美欣, 嚴詩敏<六四吧短片導讀>2004.12.2
Mar 10
III. Representation, part I (lecture)
Mar 15
Presentation IIIA (Experience and represenation)
*Benjamin, Walter. “
Sennet, Richard. 1994. "Body and City." and "Nakedness: The Citizen's Body in Perikles' Athens." Flesh and Stone: the Body and the City in Western Civilization. New York: W. W. Norton, 14-67.(中譯)
Mar 17
Presentation IIIB (Urban landscape)
*Twombly, Robert. 1995. "The Social Transformation of Modernism, 1922-1940." (51-71), "Hegemonic Modernism, 1940-1970s." (72-88) In Power and Style: A Critique of Twentieth Century Architecture in the United States. New York: Hill and Wang.
Kostof, Spiro. 1991. "The Grand Manner." The City Shaped: Urban patterns and meanings through history. Boston: A Bulfinch Press Book, 209-277.
Mar 29
III. Representation, part II (lecture)
Mar 31
IV. Lived Relation, part I (lecture)
Apr 7
Presentation IVA (Everyday life)
Hannigan, John. 1998. ""At prices all can afford": The "golden age" of popular urban entertainment in America." London and New York: Routledge, pp. 15-30.
Apr 12
Presentation IVB (Public space)
*Zukin, Sharon. 1995. "Whose Culture? Whose City?" In The Cultures of Cities. NY and London: Blackwell, 1-48.
魯道夫.迪.瓊(Rudolf de Jong)1995(1986)<再次俘獲街道?>《空間與社會理論譯文選之一》台北:台大城鄉所。
Apr 14
Presentatiion IVC (Spatial tactics)
Borden, Iain, Joe Kerr, Jane Rendell and Aicia Pivaro. 2002. "Things, Flows, Filters, Tactics." The Unknown City.
Apr 19
IV. Lived Relation, part II (lecture)
Apr 21
Social Relations (lecture)
*David Harvey. 1989. "14. Time and space as sources of social power.", "15. The time and space of the Enlightenment project." In The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 226-259.
Massey, Doreen. <政治與空間/時間>《空間與社會理論譯文選》王志弘編,台北,頁115-142。
Apr 28 (Counter-spaces)
Foucault, Michel. 1967. "Of Other Spaces."
*阿佩杜懷(Arjun Appadurai)<全球文化經濟中的斷裂及差異>《身份認同與公共文化:文化研究論文集》陳清僑編,香港:牛津大學出版社,65-82。
Kahn, Joel. 1995. "A World System of Culture?" Culture, Multiculture, Postculture.
May 5
Conclusion (lecture)
* Required Reading
Urban Design Skills: Observing, Interpreting and Representing the City
Cultural Geography (
Johnston, R. J., Derek Gregory, Geraldine Pratt and Michael Watts. 2000. The Dictionary of Human Geography, 4th Edition. Malden Blackwell.
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